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Welcome Hello, welcome to oneohnine-nygh.bs.com :D. This is 109'2009's class blog :D We're from Nanyang Girls' High School. Please leave a tag before you leave! (: when words fail, music speaks. |
109'2009 :D Secondary 109'2009! :D We're Musically Inclined humans in the ONE & ONLYHMP CLASS (: And definitely Proud To Be A Nanyang Girl! -- ONEOHNINE'OHNINE! (: United We stand, Divided we fall We rave to fight & kill! LOL. |
Dough Ray Me! Far Sew La Tea The Musically-Inclined Girls. :D 1. Ch’ng Qi Yun, Clarice Math Rep Girl Guides 2. Charmaine Lim Wan-Qing Monitress String Ensemble, Viola 3. Chia Pei Yin, Lavender PE Rep String Ensemble, Violin II 4. Chong Jia Yi, Vanessa Dance Rep Modern Dance 5. Chow Khoi Rong, Clara NE Rep Chinese Orchestra, Erhu 6. Claudia Ong Lin Na Choir 7. Goh Dai Mei String Ensemble, Double Bass 8. Alison Ho Softball 9. Hui Man Ling, Jerilyn Table Tennis 10. Inez Loh Track and Field 11. Koh Jia Xin Concert Band, Trumpet 12. Lam Yi Xin Chinese Orchestra, Dizi 13. Law Yixin, Eliana Chinese Orchestra, Cello 14. Lee Ee Min, Tasia Cleaniness Rep I Netball 15. Lee Jia Yi Activity Coordinator Concert Band, Trumpet 16. Lesley Evita Lin String Ensemble, Cello 17. Lim Fang-Yu Mathea String Ensemble, Violin II 18. Lim Ruijia, Gladys LA rep Chinese Orchestra, Liuqin 19. Loh Jia Yi Assistant Monitress Choir 20. Loh Wan Yun CME rep AV club 21. Shannen See Yan Lin Softball 22. Stacy Foo Ying Xuan Choir 23. Tan Gee Ping IT rep Chinese Calligraphy 24. Tan Lay Shuen Geography rep Softball 25. Tan Rong Xuan History rep String Ensemble, Viola 26. Tan Xin Yi Treasurer Chinese Orchestra, Double Bass 27. Tan Zhuo Hui Chinese Orchestra, Double Bass 28. Toh Chin Tzu Mindsports club 29. Weng Rong-Yin String Ensemble, Violin II 30. Zhang YiQi Chinese rep Chinese Orchestra, Dizi 31. Zhu JiaYue, Sarah Science rep Choir 32. Zhu Xiao Tong, Amanda HMP Coordinator String Ensemble, Cello 33. Veronique Yue BasketBall They Loved 109 Form teacher: Mrs Yeo Peck Hong Co-Form teacher : Mrs Ee-Chek Yui Hong Language Arts: Mrs Claudine Tan Chinese: Mrs Yeo Peck Hong Integrated Mathematics: Mrs Ho-Sam Choon Juen♥ Integrated Mathematics: Mrs Abegail Ang Science(Physics): Mrs Teresa Wong Science(Chemistry) : Ms Chen Wei Xuan Science(Chemistry) :Mrs Aika Siew Science(Biology) : Mrs Jocelyn Tan History: Ms Hazel Ngiam History: Mrs Elaine Ng Geography: Ms Yip Ching Yee Culture: Mr Ng Hup Beng Drama: (?) Recording: (?) HMP: Mrs Ee-Chek Yui Hong♥ Music: Mrs Mae Pauline Ho Music: Mr Matthew Lim Dance: Chen Lili♥ BRP (Science): Mrs Jocelyn Tan BRP (Math): Ms Lee Jia Wen FPSP:Mr Kelvin Tan FPSP:Mrs Lily Chua ART: Mr David Gan ART: Mr Lim Hock Boon ART: Mr Sim Buan Heng ICT: Mr Chiu Wee Meng P.E.: Ms Yeo Pei Li P.E.: Ms Sabrina P.E.: Mr James Ong P.E.: Ms (?) Ng H.E.: Mrs Ong Chiew Inn |
Affliates oneohnines (: Lavender Vanessa Lesley Xinyi Alison Inez Clarice Lee Jia Yi Jerilyn Tasia Class Blogs 209'09 :D 106'09 Credits. The whole of oneohnine! :D Designer: yronne |
Entries Flipped those Pages: Title: TWOOHNINE Date : Monday, February 8, 2010; Time : 8:13 PM hey niners! we are twoohnine now. can someone be so kind as to either edit this blog or make a new one for twoohnine'twentyten? cos i have no idea how to make blogskin... and this blog is deadddd. i shall breathe some life into it and hope it survives! CNY IS COMING! jiayous for class decor! jiayous for the performing people! jiayous to jiaxin rite, for calligraphy! and, i think our class cleaniless is mush better now. (: continue to JIAYOUS, 209!!~ oh no im so wuliao. -your LA rep whom mrs heng forgot the name. Flipped those Pages: Title: Date : Sunday, November 1, 2009; Time : 11:21 AM Hey everyone, tis is an overview of everything, Hand in your travel forms and the form for the sentosa outing, only for those that are going ASAP. Also those that havent giv me your surveys, pls giv them to me by tomorrow. People that sign up for cmps, there will be a talk by 'Roots and shoots' tomorrow, 2.30 to 3.30. And bring $3.20 tomoro for the sec 4 graduation gift. Tats all for now. Thanks:) Charmaine Flipped those Pages: Title: Date : Wednesday, October 28, 2009; Time : 9:20 PM Hey everyone! Heres the attire for tis week. FRIDAY: wear PE shirt, shorts and skirt and BRING HONGZI to change Anyway for fruit day on fri, pls BRING pen, plastic bags and hongzi. you can start bringing the plastic bags on thurs. Pls bring ur plastic bags and pen down during flagraising. And I need 2 student leader to help guard the box to contain fruits on fri. means u no nid to run around looking for fruits. 1 of them is Vanessa. so i nid 1 more! Next, Those people that owe me the surveys, pls giv them to me by FRI! N if you wan to donate textbooks, giv them to me by fri too!!! Ok, N we nid photos for the class montage!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like the marina barrage, n wanqing yuan......pls try to d as many photos as you can! Tats all for now. BYe, Charmaine:) Flipped those Pages: Title: Date : ; Time : 7:03 PM HELLO EVERYBODY LAVENDER HERE IF YOU'RE CHECKING THE BLOG AT 8PM SHARP, GOOD GIRL! IF NOT, ... (READ TILL THE END COS YOU HAVE TO TELL ME EVERYTHING BY TMR) (LAST PART MOST IMPORTANT) OKAY THIS POST CONCERNS PE MATTERS. HEALTHY BODY & HEALTHY MIND WEEK (INTER-CLASS GAMES) REGISTRATION
Flipped those Pages: Title: Funfair tickets Date : Saturday, August 8, 2009; Time : 11:00 PM HI EVERYONE :D I shall explain the funfair tickets again (Since some people didn't go school on Friday) You have to buy the funfair tickets in sets of $5. Each set has 3 $1 coupons and 1 $2 coupon. In case you don't know, the funfair will be on Friday, 14 August. So, if you want to have fun @ the funfair, please buy the funfair tickets! It's not compulsory to buy, but you should since the canteen won't be open that day. (Well, according to the Yang Lao Shi) Please bring money and come to me to order the tickets. 11th August, Tuesday, will be the last day to order. So please please please remember! If you still have any questions, feel free to contact me via MSN/SMS/whatever. Your Ever-So-Lovely Treasurer, Xinyi <3 Flipped those Pages: Title: Brief Announcements Date : Friday, July 10, 2009; Time : 10:41 PM Hellos 109 1. Blog: Teacher's List Updated (: 2. HMP: Please bring $2 3. 109: Please practice *ehem* what you have to and bring *ehem* what you have to. Jiayous! #Lesley. Flipped those Pages: Title: New blogskinnnn. :D Date : Tuesday, July 7, 2009; Time : 1:33 PM Hey,so yeah okay I changed the blogskin already, cos like, a few people wanted me to. Anyway. Im gonna like, arrange all the class tee designs properly, and then put it in one document okay. Then I'll send to all your email addresses. MUST GO SEE OKAY. I cant think of anymore designs, so for now theres only 3 fronts and 4 backs. :D Flipped those Pages: Title: Blogskinnn :D Date : Tuesday, June 16, 2009; Time : 11:55 AM Helloooozxczx. :D Vanessa here yet again xD But now i've made a new blogskin! :D But yeah not sure if you all want or not, cos its a navigational blogskin. But anw, i post the screen shot of it okay. And give you the link to see. :D CLICK! :D Haha okay it looks like this : ![]() Double-click to see in full screen. :D Yeah i sortof got it from the tshirt design haha. :D But anw. Comment okay. :D Hmm btw, i wanted to make a new blogskin cos i realised this blogskina bout weird looking to me. Cos its like, all blue :O Flipped those Pages: Title: Date : Friday, June 12, 2009; Time : 8:47 PM Whoo~ New tshirt design up. :D Only for front though. Lazy :X Hahaha. ![]() T-Shirt Front Poll. Hmm, ignore the answer 3, 4, 5 thing. Sorry xD T-shirt Back Poll. Flipped those Pages: Title: Class Tee. :D Date : Thursday, June 11, 2009; Time : 11:04 AM Heyoh people. :D Vanessa here! :D Haha okay anw. Today i was bored, so i decided to make class tee designs ! Hmm actually i made two, the backs of the shirts obviously is almost the same laa. :D MUST GIVE COMMENTS OKAY. :D Then I'll send the design to yanglaoshi to approve. :D Yay so here's the designs. Eh, made by me okay. I didnt copy or anything. But yeah i took picure from photobucket. So credits to photobucket! :D Btw, I personally prefer design 2 for both the front & back. :DClass Tee Front 1: ![]() Class Tee Front 2: ![]() Class Tee Back. ![]() Class tee Back 2: ![]() Just Added :Class Tee Back 3 ![]() Class Tee Back 4: ![]() |